From ingrained habit he paused to straighten up the bed. 出于长期的习惯,他停下来整理床铺。
Straighten up the room. 把房间理一理。
The boy with his back to the camera began to straighten up; he was turning. 背冲着摄像机的那个男青年直起身来;他就要转身了。
Did he straighten up? 他振作起来了吗?
If it still needs help, try gentle irrigation with a bulb syringe or tilt your head in the shower, say doctors. After a few minutes, straighten up and let the water run out again. 医生们说,如果还不管用,就试着用洗耳球小心灌耳。或者在淋浴时歪着头,几分钟后,直起身让水再次流出来。
Straighten up your top singlet. 将你的汗衫拉直。
If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week! 我妈妈告诉我什么是时间:如果你再不长大,我会将你揍到下个周末中!
I think I'll ask my hairdresser to straighten up the ends of my hair. 我想我会让我的理发师把发际修平的。
The third is to straighten up the sheets. 第三步就是把排好的页拉齐。
Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right and be serious. 飞机警告你要正直、好好开飞机、并且严肃一点。
The criminal wishes to straighten up and lead a respectable life. 那罪犯希望改邪归下,过体面的生活。
We hurried to straighten up before they arrived. 我们在他们到达之前匆忙把东西整理好。
I'm going to straighten up my room. 我马上整理我的房间去。
During a quiet spell, I straighten up and turn to look behind me over the edge of the stadium. 在人们安静的间隙,我坐直身体向后面看台的边看去。
And straighten up in here before you leave, will you? 在你走之前把这儿清理一下,好吗?
Several times I saw Captain Nemo stop and take aim with his rifle; then, after sighting down its barrel for a few seconds, he would straighten up and resume his walk. 好几次,我看见尼摩船长停步,瞄准他的枪,但经过一些时候的观察后,他又把枪放下,再向前行。
It wouldn't hurt to straighten up a little bit, that's all. 收拾一下还是很好的,就这样。
He made a decision to straighten up his life. 他决定整顿他的生活。
Why don't they straighten up the mess that's inside? 为何不整理脑袋里的思绪?
He's losing a lot of blood. I'm gonna straighten up his face, all right? 他流了很多血,我得清理一下他的脸,好吗?
Sarah, can you straighten up the lounge please? 萨拉,请你把起居室整理一下好吗?
He decided to straighten up and make himself useful to the country. 他决心改过自新,使自己有益于国家。
He reminds himself to straighten up every time he watches a replay of himself going to the boxes with one of his dogs. 他提醒自己要端正每次他看着自己与他的狗之一的框重播。
Make beds and straighten up rooms. 整理床铺和房间。
He wishes to straighten up and lead a respectable life. 他希望改邪归正,过体面的生活。
You straighten up or get out. 你要么改邪归正,要么滚蛋。
Straighten up little soldier. 振作起来,小斗士。
The bent strip can straighten up by itself. 这弯曲的金属片能自己变直。
I sigh, straighten up, and retreat to the kitchen table, where I sit and consider my options, which are grim and few. 我叹了口气,站直了身体,又回坐到刚才我坐着的餐桌旁,想想我的做法是既可憎又荒唐。